What Makes Us Baptist?

  • We acknowledge there is only one God who is the supreme creator and sustains all. In the Godhead are three persons in one – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, equal and in unity.

  • We acknowledge the Holy Scripture is in total given by God. It is infallible and is our sole authority for our faith and practice. (2 Tim 3: 16, 17)

  • We acknowledge that every believer is called to be a priest. Each can come directly into the presence of God on behalf of themselves and others. There are safeguards in the exercise of this priestly function. (1 Pet. 2: 5 – 9; 1 Tim 2: 5)

  • We acknowledge the church is made up of members who have confessed Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and have publically demonstrated that confession through the ordinance of baptism by immersion in water. Such baptism by immersion is a requirement to represent the local congregation at the level of Convention.

  • We acknowledge that the church and state are separate and each has a God-given distinct sphere of operation. Neither should control the other.  (Acts 4: 16 – 20)

  • We acknowledge the local church is self governing and is accountable to Jesus Christ, not a democracy but a theocracy with God at the top. No man or woman or person of any given title within the church can be substituted for Christ as the leader. (Col 1: 17, 18)

  • We acknowledge Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as ordinances of the church. They are symbolic in nature. Baptism signifies the beginning of the Christian life and the Lord’s Supper symbolizes the continuance of the Christian life. (Matt 3: 13 – 17; 26: 26 – 29)

  • We acknowledge the church has been given the Great Commission of Christ to share the gospel at home and around the world by proclamation and persuasion in the power of the Holy Spirit and not by force or manipulation. (Matt. 28: 19 , 20; Acts 1:8)

References: www.baptist-atlantic.ca/about/baptistbelief/basis-of-union

Bartol, John-Life in Christ-A New Relationship